Wednesday, 2 February 2011

Music Magazine Double Page Article Audience Feedback

Daniel Smith
I think that the way that the image on the left hand side of the page has a black background as it helps add a level to the page and allows the image to stand out more. I think that the way that the colour from the background image has been used to be the colour of the font which I think adds a feel of continuity on the page and creates a new colour scheme. I think it is clear to see that which part of the article is the questions and the answers without having the letters ‘Q’ and ‘A’. However, this could also be seen as a weakness to it. I also like the way that the large passage of text has been used on the right hand of the page. This is a positive feature because of the fact that is gives the readers an incite of what is to come. Another negative feature I think is the background is more feminine and singles out the masculine members of society.

Dean Ramsay
I think that the images on the contents page are also professional, and the editing has been done very well again. I like the quote in the middle of the page, which draws the reader in to read it. The way that you have started the introduction with a “W” that is bigger than the rest of the text also makes it look professional. However, you could have used a bit more colour for the interview part, which would make it stand out more to the reader.

Abby Campbell
the images in this double page spread are very well chosen and taken. They are good angles and relevant to the subject of the article. The cut-out effect of the main photo looks very modern and synonymous with music magazine design. The orange colour scheme is outstanding but without being garish, and don’t clash with the images. The bolded colours breaks up the text and makes it easier for the reader, as well as helping the text look less lengthy. The quote in the centre gives a good overview of what the article was about and draws the reader in to read more. The title is very well placed and not overbearing. I have no negative feedback to give to this piece, in my opinion it looks very professional.

Cara Moran
I think a variety of texts is needed for the article, for instance title and quotation within the article.  I like how there is a varied colour scheme in comparison to the contents and cover pages. The orange has the ability to appeal to both gender audiences, yet it does not ditract our attention that this is from the same magazine as you have have kept flashes of the purple and pink theme on borders.
Ashleigh Thomson

Feedback Summary

ü  Image stands out
ü  Colour continuity and variation
ü  Question & Answers are obvious
ü  Blurb & Use of letter ‘W’
ü  Professional images
ü  Use of quotation
ü  Effective image angles
ü  Effect on image
ü  The orange colour scheme
û  Question & Answers are obvious
û  Feminine looking
û  More colour needed on the interview
û  Variation of text fonts – the quotation

As there has not been many negative points towards the double page spread I am happy to present it, unchanged

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