Wednesday, 2 February 2011

Music Magazine Double Page Article Production

STAGE 1: The Basic Layout
This is my basic template of my double page spread. As same as my contents page I have added the page header and then number at the bottom in the same style.

STAGE 2: The Main Image
Becuase I knew that the main image would play a big part in my double page spread I wanted it to be one of the first stages I add to my overall piece. This is so the the text can work around the image and not the other way around. Following from my draft plans I wanted to make this image quite large on the left side of the page. I also wanted it to overlap slightly on the other side so that the article was double page and didn't look seperate from each other.

STAGE 3: The Title & The Blurb
I wanted to make my title similiar to my magazine title by using the same font and title. I kept it short and sweet as simply, the name of the artist and kept it to the left hand side of the image. Underneath this is the little inrodcution included in most double page articles of magazines, it isn't too long so that the readers gets disinterested but a nice description again to entice the audience to read on. I have used a larger san-serif blod font to indicate the first letter and then smaller writing in serif font for the rest. The text as a whole is wrapped beside the image to create a slanted effect.

STAGE 4: The Second Image
Following on from the plan I knew the second had to be at the bottom of the right hand page. I think these images work really well together due to their contrasts. The first image is cut down and edited and the second just as it is. I like how the first image spills onto the second which also gives it the sense that they link together.

STAGE 5: The Article
I now had to add the main part of the double page spread, the article itself. After my Target Audience questionnaire, I found that readers would prefer to see a question and answer type article. I wanted to lay this out by making the questions bold and the answers not and all in the same font, but after consideration I knew this would not work, I had to place the questions in our san-serif house style font and then the serif font as answers as this is commonly used for speech or quotation. I also knew that I had to spread the text out by using two columns, which I do think works well alongside the images. My inspiration for the fully white background comes from an article that I previously have reviewed which I liked the look of. It also means that if the text overlaps the images I don't need to change the colour of the text to fit. The clear white boxes work well against the images as it gives a strong line. I have also included a bold part at the bottom of the article promoting the artists album and tour. I have noticed from my personal experiences that this is sometimes included in magazine interviews.

STAGE 6: The Quote
One thing I love about double page spreads and interviews are the large quotes that are placed smack bang in the middle of an article. We've all fallen for some outlandish comment that makes us think 'wow I have to read on!'. It's a technique used in order for the audience not to have to sift through all of the interview before they read about something they like. As editor of the magazine, I had to fond a part of the interview which might be seen as dofferent or exciting, so a comment about another artist (Justin Beiber in this case) was the obvious choice. The way that it has been placed make its look like it has been cut right into the article and then the text wrapped around it.

STAGE 7: Tweaks
After realising how much of an important element the quotation was to the article, I wanted to make it stand out a little more, I did this by sampling colours from the outline of the main image and then the background of the second image. This meant the colours could be linked in together subtly.

STAGE 8: Adding a Touch of Colour
After seeing the effect of colour in the quotation box I wanted to add some more to keep the article from being too boring. I knew I did not want to use my colour scheme colours because it would be too repetitive and wouldn't award much originality to the double page spread. Instead I used varied shades of the orange sampled from the second image. This linked in really well in comparison to the strong white boxes and then black and grey on the images. I then added a strong orange kicker at the top of the article for some variation. Overall, very happy with how the double page spread has turned out.

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